Upload 2016-07-21:
Jupiter Approach Movie, Parts 3, 4, and 5 of 5

Images derived from file "approach_movie_images3.zip"


File size: 12,393 kByte.

Zip File Containing the Individual Images, Processed Thumbnails of the Full Swathes, and Processing Parameters

approach_movie_images4_proc005.zip File size: 137,083 kByte.

Images derived from file "approach_movie_images4.zip"


File size: 15,995 kByte.

Zip File Containing the Individual Images, Processed Thumbnails of the Full Swathes, and Processing Parameters

approach_movie_images4_proc005.zip File size: 139,342 kByte.

Images derived from file "approach_movie_images5.zip"


File size: 21,269 kByte.

Zip File Containing the Individual Images, Processed Thumbnails of the Full Swathes, and Processing Parameters

approach_movie_images5_proc005.zip File size: 146,964 kByte.

Terms of Use

The images are allowed to be treated as being in the public domain. However, crediting to "NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt" appears appropriate. Add your name or data sources to the credit list, whenever you create derived works.
The referenced images are large (more than 6000 x 8000 pixels, up to more than 20 MB). The zip files are up to more than 146 MB each. Consider your data transfer volume costs and your system restrictions, before clicking on an image. Downloading, and distributing the files is on your own risk.

Access to the Raw Images

Mission Juno, Media Galery, Jupiter Approach