Upload 2016-07-03:
Pairs of JunoCam Earth Flyby Images, and False Color Composits,
Links to Supersampled Renditions with 60 Pixels per Camera Degree
The thumbnails are renditions with 2 pixels per camera degree.
The false color composits replace the green RGB band by the corresponding methane band reprojection.
The highly resolved composit images reveal a clear residual mismatch between reprojections of two conscutive swathes.
Deeper analysis of those mismatches will help refining the image processing.
The images are allowed to be treated as being in the public domain.
However, crediting to "NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / SPICE / Gerald Eichstädt" appears appropriate.
Add your name or data sources to the credit list, whenever you create derived works.
The referenced images are large (7680 x 8692 pixels, some of them more than 30 MB). Consider your data transfer volume costs and your system restrictions, before clicking on an image.
Downloading, and distributing the files is on your own risk.